Our News & Bulletins

Does Hand Sanitizer Expire? Picture of a group of diverse hands straight up in the air.

Does Hand Sanitizer Expire?

With the events of COVID over the past few years, many people started using hand sanitizer more than before. Hand sanitizer is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so it is required by law to have a lot number and expiration date. The purpose of the expiration date is to show the time […]

Grip Strength Is Important. Picture of a caucasian hand squeezing a piece of exercise equipment used to strengthen hands.

Grip Strength Is Important  

When it comes to areas of improvement for strength, grip strength isn’t commonly talked about. Any activity involving our hands has us using grip strength. Here are some areas that grip strength helps us with. Grip strength, a measure of body function, has been suggested as a biomarker of aging.1 Biomarkers are medical signs at […]

Smells Like Memory Loss. Picture of a black male with a puzzled look on his face.

Smells Like Memory Loss

Someday, doctors may be able to screen for Alzheimer’s using a simple scratch and sniff test, according to researchers at Columbia University. Dysfunctions in major olfactory functional domains, including odor detection, identification, and discrimination, appear prior to cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).1 Therefore, olfactory function tests may have potential to help identify […]
