Our News & Bulletins

Naps and Blood Pressure. Picture of a black male sitting at a table with his head resting on one hand, napping.

Naps and Blood Pressure

Hypertension (high blood pressure) affects 31.1% of the adult population worldwide and contributes to the burden of health problems. [1] Hypertension increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure, and accounts for about 9.4 million deaths every year in the world. [2] A recent study finds that people who take a midday nap […]

Exercising for Hand Flexibility. Picture of a caucasian female's hands stacking small blocks.

Exercising for Hand Flexibility

Hand function is crucial for maintaining independence for daily life activities. Hands perform countless small and large tasks each day – such as brushing teeth, raking leaves, pouring coffee, sewing, or knitting. Hand stiffness can make simple tasks overwhelming. According to an article published in The Journals of Gerontology, hand function decreases with age in […]

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective? Picture of a young black physical therapist working with an older black male in his home.

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective?

A big misconception about physical therapy (PT) is that you have to have heavy equipment and expensive tools to have a rehab program that works. This in not always the case. If you are rehabbing from a total hip or knee replacement, a stroke, or even problems like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, being at […]

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective? Picture of a young black physical therapist working with an older black male in his home.

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective?

A big misconception about physical therapy (PT) is that you have to have heavy equipment and expensive tools to have a rehab program that works. This in not always the case. If you are rehabbing from a total hip or knee replacement, a stroke, or even problems like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, being at […]

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective? Picture of a young black physical therapist working with an older black male in his home.

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective?

A big misconception about physical therapy (PT) is that you have to have heavy equipment and expensive tools to have a rehab program that works. This in not always the case. If you are rehabbing from a total hip or knee replacement, a stroke, or even problems like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, being at […]

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective? Picture of a young black physical therapist working with an older black male in his home.

Is Physical Therapy in Home Effective?

A big misconception about physical therapy (PT) is that you have to have heavy equipment and expensive tools to have a rehab program that works. This in not always the case. If you are rehabbing from a total hip or knee replacement, a stroke, or even problems like Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, being at […]

Flu and Diabetes. Picture of a caucasian female with a tissue in her hands looking like she is about to sneeze.

Flu and Diabetes

School is back in session in most places, and the cold and flu season is almost here. We all need to be aware, but people with diabetes need to be extra vigilant. Those with diabetes, even when well-managed, are at a higher risk of developing serious complications from the flu. In recent seasons, about 30% […]

Health and Watching Too Much TV. Picture of a caucasian male watching TV and holding the remote.

Health and Watching Too Much TV

Your mother probably told you it is not healthy to sit and watch TV so much, but you thought she was just making it up. Actually, over the past 40 years, a number of studies have shown negative health effects related to watching TV for hours each day. A recent addition to this collection of […]
