Our News & Bulletins

Skinny or Fit for Longer Life? Picture of an elderly caucasian male exercising with dumbbells under supervision of a younger caucasian female physical therapist.

Skinny or Fit for Longer Life?

People are constantly being told to watch their weight, but perhaps the advice should be watching their muscle mass. Research recently published in The American Journal of Medicine suggests that muscle mass index serves as a better predictor of long life than weight. [1] Most health care professionals are trained to focus on body mass […]

Social Isolation and Health Risks in Seniors. Picture of a Hispanic male looking very upset or depressed.

Social Isolation and Health Risks in Seniors

By nature, human beings are social creatures. The connection to others enables us to survive and thrive. Yet, as we get older, many are alone more often, and this leaves them vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness. This isolation also leaves seniors more susceptible to health-related problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, a weakened […]

Is There a Link Between Blood Sugar and Dementia? Picture of a black female showing concern for a black male.

Is There a Link Between Blood Sugar and Dementia?

A study published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that higher blood glucose levels may increase the likelihood of dementia. [1] This statement holds true even for those who do not have diabetes but consistently exhibit higher than average blood sugar tests.  The ability to stay physically active is an important component […]

Snoring? Trouble Sleeping? Try Exercise. Picture of a caucasian male sleeping in bed and a caucasian female in bed holding her pillow around her ears.

Snoring? Trouble Sleeping? Try Exercise.

Insufficient or low-quality sleep may be more than an annoyance. It can be a major health concern meriting a visit to your general practitioner or a sleep specialist. Difficulty sleeping that impairs activities of daily living and lasts greater than three months meets the clinical definition of insomnia. Insomnia can be a disorder or a […]
