Our News & Bulletins

Health Benefits of Laughter, picture of and elderly caucasian male and a younger caucasian male talking and laughing together.

Health Benefits of Laughter

Laughter has physiological effects on the body; it changes brain function and body chemistry.[1] Some examples of the changes are: Increases heart and respiratory rates as well as oxygen consumption. Increases stroke volume of the heart and dilates blood vessels. Lowers levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Laughter also has the following effects on specific […]

How to Talk with Someone with Alzheimers. Picture of a young Caucasian girl hugging elderly Caucasian woman

How to Talk with Someone with Alzheimers

Communication is hard for people with Alzheimer’s disease because they have trouble remembering things. They may struggle to find words or forget what they want to say. You may feel impatient and wish they could just say what they want, but they can’t. The person with Alzheimer’s may have problems with: Finding the right word or losing […]

Stroke Risk Factors, Picture of a group of caucasian people exercising with hula hoops with an instructor

Stroke Risk Factors

A stroke happens when there is a loss of blood flow to part of the brain. Then brain cells cannot get the oxygen and nutrients they need from blood, and they start to die within a few minutes. This can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death. There are two types of strokes: […]

Is It Dangerous to Hold Your Urine, Picture of shadowed animated figures with legs crossed

Is It Dangerous to Hold Your Urine?

From long haul truckers to teachers, there are many instances when adults find themselves needing to resist the urge to urinate from time to time. While delaying nature’s call for an hour or two won’t pose any health threats, it’s possible to harm our bodies by holding urine for too long or by making a […]

Is Owning a Pet Good for Your Heart?

With cardiovascular disease (CVD) being the leading cause of death[1] in the United States, and obesity and physical inactivity being at epidemic proportions, there is a great need for novel strategies and interventions to reduce the risk of CVD. Accordingly, the benefits of pet ownership have received considerable attention from the Centers for Disease Control […]
